Monday, September 5, 2011

My changing life and DOMA

I realize that my last post was forever ago, and I would post often but recently my daughter was born, so I've been a little caught up in being a father. Kim who is my wife by common law, has some family members who believe that we need to get married, because god says that we are horrible people for living together and having a kid together, yet the kid is here and the apartment is our home so I could really care less. I don’t want to get married not because I don’t love my wife, but because I don’t support DOMA, also known as the Defense of Marriage Act, I don’t believe that marriage should be defined by clear cut boundaries set by a thousand year old bigoted belief system, because love isn’t about that. I love Kim, and I would lay down my life without question in her defense. Below are a few of my arguments against state sponsored marriage;

* DOMA is wrong because technically the Federal Government of the United States has no legal qualification to define such an act, as well as our State Governments, in fact by following the constitution, Marriage in and of itself is a religious belief, besides a husband and wife are really just exaggerated boyfriends and girlfriends.
*DOMA is wrong because it defines marriage can only exist between heterosexual a couple, which again is a religious viewpoint, modern science shows us that homosexuality is NOT a choice but instead a complex chain of events involving brain chemistry and physiology, much like love.
*DOMA forsakes the most important aspect of making a commitment of that magnitude, Love. Yes, two people who hate each other can get married so long as they are heterosexual, but two people who love each other can’t if they are homosexual.

"If gays want to get married and be miserable like the rest of us, then I say let them."
- Peter Griffin
Maybe one day everyone will have the same rights but until then Kim and I will choose to remain “sinners”, it’s not like my daughter will know the difference, it’s just a slip of paper after all, it won’t change anything about our love.

More to come...

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