Monday, October 3, 2011

Anyone catch The Cleveland Show?

I really need to get this baby on a schedule or something, she always needs love when I am doing stuff, at least she'll be worth it...I hope.

The reason I am asking is because the show brought up the topic of atheism, and the protagonists attempt to change his son's beliefs, The show also brings up several common criticisms of religion, all this happening while the family is coping during a disaster. In one of the situations, the religious part of the family prays for food because they choose to only buy food one day at a time, the son who is also the only person to watch the news, stockpiled weeks ahead of the hurricane. You should be able to catch the episode on Hulu, I am horrible at reiterating TV shows.

As a side note Amanda Knox was freed from jail today, I am happy to see that this miscarriage of justice has been corrected.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I promise I didn't disappear

It's been a bit since I last posted, but I went back to work on the 19th and just spent the last two weeks catching up and finishing close out. I have a few things I would like to talk about today, but first I get to spend time with my wife's confused religious family, hopefully they won't pray in tongues again, no I'm serious, they really do that it's disturbing.